Impossible to get the password

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to export all my devices en groups. I workd with this code

$bearer = "Bearer",$token

$header = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"

$header.Add("authorization", $bearer)

#Export des devices dans un premier fichier CSV

$request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method Get -Headers $header

$request.devices | Select-Object -Property "alias","remotecontrol_id","groupid","password","description" | Export-Csv "$env:userprofile\Desktop\TVDevicesListExport.csv"

#Export des groups dans un second fichier CSV

$grequest = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method Get -Headers $header

$grequest.groups | Select-Object -Property "name","id" | Export-Csv “$env:userprofile\Desktop\TVGroupsListExport.csv"

I can recover all the fields except the password. Would anyone have an idea of ​​what is blocking or what could change in my approach?


Thanks for your help


  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @Nantais44,

    from TeamViever API's manual, in GET section for Devices I can't find that return value.

    The method does not return that data.


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • mLipok
    mLipok Posts: 781 ⭐Star⭐

    Return values
     records – List of remote control connections
     id – Report-ID
     userid (optional) – ID of the user that was signed in on the origin device.
     username (optional) – User name of the person who started the connection.
     originid – TeamViewer ID of the origin device.
     targetid – TeamViewer ID of the target device.
     targetname (optional) – Device name of the target device.
     start_date – Start date and time of the connection.
     end_date – End date and time of the connection.
     next_offset (optional) – ID of the last returned report in this response. Can be used as off-set_id in a follow-up request to get the next set of connection reports.

    mLipok , AutoIt MVP