Ubuntu file association TVC


Hi All i am using Solarwinds and the RMM downloads a TVC file

Now i have followed the following steps


[Desktop Entry]
Name=Take Control
Comment=TeamViewer Remote Control Application
Exec=teamviewer --desktop --control %f

Now the file associates but it doesnt do anything

So i double click on the TVC file and it opens with Team viewer but Team viewer doesnt do anything . where it should be connecting to the client PC

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I dont want to run a VM just to do remote support :/




  • hagels
    hagels Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I tried to fix this problem with the teamviewer business support.

    The latestet TeamViewer 13 versions for linux are native versions and do not base on Wine. Since it is native, it does not support the tvc file support. I had made a prio feature request and hopefully the tvc file support will be added as soon as possible.

    I think it is one of the most needed features for pro users and RMM systems.