Frontline allows multi-stream calls. It is a setting in which more than one participant can share their video. This enables the Web Expert to get a holistic view of the on-site scene by not only seeing the view of the person wearing the glasses but also seeing the monitors connected to the machines (e.g. heart monitor, monitor of stereoscope).

There are 2 ways to start a multi-stream call. You can:

  1. Start a Conference Call.
  2. Use the Add Participants button to add more participants to your current call.

During a multi-stream call, all functionalities of xAssist will work as usual. Additionally, you have an option to choose the layout of the video stream. There are 2 layouts available.

Focus Mode

Focus mode allows the user to see all participants of the call with a focus on one of the streams.


Grid Mode

Grid mode only displays the participants who have turned their video on.
