If a User Role is not needed anymore, you can delete it permanently.

🚨Important note: Deleting a role can't be undone. Be careful when you delete a role that is still assigned to users. This might have an impact on the permissions and access users have. This might affect the security of your company.

This article applies to Company Administrators with the permission to Manage administrators and company settings.

Delete User Roles

To delete User Roles, please follow the instructions in the video below:

  1. Sign in to the Management Console: https://login.teamviewer.com/
  2. Select Role management in the left navigation panel
  3. Search for the User Role you want to edit and hover over the row of the User Role you want to edit. The Edit and Delete icons will appear.
  4. Click the Delete button (bin icon) in the menu.
  5. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the User Role. Click Delete to confirm.