Before deploying TeamViewer on your devices, it is important to choose which assignment options you want to apply to your deployment.

You can define a large range of parameters for your deployment via the assignment options. Below are all the assignment options you can use and their respective actions.

This article applies to Corporate and Tensor license holders who want to deploy TeamViewer (14 or newer) on their Windows devices.

Assignment options

--alias [<name>]

Alias for the new device in the computers & contacts list. No alias will be applied if the device is already in the contact list. The property can take the following values:

  1. --alias (without value)
    • alias of the computer will be the TeamViewer ID
  2. --alias hello
    • alias of the computer will be "hello"
  3. Alias parameter not specified
    • alias of this computer will be %computername%
  4. --alias %systemvariable%
    • alias will be the used system variable e.g. %username%


msiexec.exe /i "[Path_To]TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN=<YOUR_APITOKEN> CUSTOMCONFIGID=<YOUR_CONFIGID> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %systemvariable%"


If you set this option, easy access is granted after the assignment (same as the "Grant easy access" option in the Security tab of the TeamViewer (Classic) options).


msiexec.exe /i "[Path_To]\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN=<YOUR_APITOKEN> CUSTOMCONFIGID=<YOUR_CONFIGID> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access"


Assigns the device to the account even if the device is already assigned to an account.


msiexec.exe /i "[Path_To]\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN=<YOUR_APITOKEN> CUSTOMCONFIGID=<YOUR_CONFIGID> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--reassign"

🚨 Important: The --reassign parameter resets the existing assignment and reapplies the parameters of the assignment script. This can have an impact if, for example, you change the alias or group assignment after the initial installation.

--group <name>

Name of the group to which the device will be added. If the group does not exist, it will be created automatically. If the device is already present in the list of computers and contacts of a different group, it will not be moved to the group defined in this parameter. However, if you also add the "--reassign" parameter, the device will be moved to the group defined in this parameter.


msiexec.exe /i "[Path_To]\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN=<YOUR_APITOKEN> CUSTOMCONFIGID=<YOUR_CONFIGID> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--group MyGroup"

💡Not required if a custom host is used, as there is already a default group defined in the custom configuration.

--group-id <ID>

This option is an alternative to use the --group parameter if the id of the group is known. This might be useful in very large customer environments as it speeds up the assignment process. Usually using --group is sufficient.

📌Note: The ID must be prepended with a literal "g".

You can find the group-id when logging into the Management Console, clicking on the group and checking the URL. At the end of the URL you will find "g/12345678".

📌Note: Please remove the "/" in order to get your group-id.


msiexec.exe /i "[Path_To]\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN=<YOUR_APITOKEN> CUSTOMCONFIGID=<YOUR_CONFIGID> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--group-id g123"

--proxy <name>:<port>

Url of your proxy (only for the assignment) in the format <name>:<port>, e. g. --proxy yourproxy:3201


msiexec.exe /i "[Path_To]\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN=<YOUR_APITOKEN> CUSTOMCONFIGID=<YOUR_CONFIGID> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--proxy yourproxy:3201 --proxy-user FooBar --proxy-pw mypassword"

URL without http://

--proxy-user <name>

Username which is used for authentication against the proxy (only for the assignment).


msiexec.exe /i "[Path_To]\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN=<YOUR_APITOKEN> CUSTOMCONFIGID=<YOUR_CONFIGID> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--proxy yourproxy:3201 --proxy-user FooBar --proxy-pw mypass"

--proxy-pw <password>

Password which is used for authentication against the proxy (only for the assignment).


msiexec.exe /i "[Path_To]\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN=<YOUR_APITOKEN> CUSTOMCONFIGID=<YOUR_CONFIGID> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--proxy yourproxy:3201 --proxy-user FooBar --proxy-pw mypass"

--proxy-pw-base64 <encoded_password>

Same as --proxy-pw, but the password needs to be entered as a Base64 encoded string. Useful for passwords with special characters.


msiexec.exe /i "[Path_To]\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN=<YOUR_APITOKEN> CUSTOMCONFIGID=<YOUR_CONFIGID> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--proxy yourproxy:3201 --proxy-user FooBar --proxy-pw-base64 bXlwYXNz"

--monitoring-policyid <policy_id>

This option is only available when installing TeamViewer_Full.msi. It specifies the policy id for Remote Management Monitoring that should be applied after the assignment has successfully been finished. This also requires --patchmanagement-policyid.


msiexec.exe /i "[Path_To]\TeamViewer_Full.msi" /qn APITOKEN=<YOUR_APITOKEN> CUSTOMCONFIGID=<YOUR_CONFIGID> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--monitoring-policyid <YOUR_MONITORING_POLICYID> --patchmanagement-policyid <YOUR_PATCHMANAGEMENT_POLICYID>"

--patchmanagement-policyid <policy_id>

This option is only available when installing TeamViewer_Full.msi. It specifies the policy id for Remote Management Monitoring that should be applied after the assignment has successfully been finished. This also requires --monitoring-policyid.
