The connection protocol stores a detailed history of a TeamViewer Assist AR connection between an expert and a technician for reviewal purposes.

The file is automatically generated by TeamViewer at the end of an Assist AR connection if the "Connection reporting" setting is enabled. Some examples of data stored in the JSON file include the device type and name, Assist AR ID, Expert ID, and the date, time and duration of the connection.

This article applies to TeamViewer Assist AR Professional customers.

Where can I find my connection protocols?

After the first connection, the expert is prompted to choose the path where the files will be stored. The default folder where the connection protocols are saved is C:\Documents. Another path can also be specified.

How do I open a connection protocol?

You can open TPSR files with the desktop version of TeamViewer (version 15.11 and later) installed on your computer. Simply double-click the TPSR file, then TeamViewer prompts your default web browser to display the contents of the file. You can then save the protocol as a .PDF file or print it.

More info about .tpsr files: