The TeamViewer full version allows users to work most efficiently with TeamViewer.

With the full version, you can:

This article applies to all TeamViewer users.

Resize TeamViewer

You can re-size the TeamViewer window into the size which is the most comfortable for you. Do you like it smaller or larger? Just choose your own best fit.

📌Note: TeamViewer will always restart in the size you defined before closing the software.

Dark Mode

TeamViewer offers a Dark Mode for your TeamViewer application.

To activate Dark Mode for your TeamViewer, navigate to the TeamViewer settings by clicking on Gear icon (⚙) ➜ GeneralChoose a themeDark

To deactivate Dark Mode again to see your TeamViewer in the regular mode, navigate to the TeamViewer settings by clicking on Gear icon (⚙) ➜ General ➜ Choose a theme ➜ Light


For macOS, Dark mode is automatically turned on in TeamViewer when it is activated in the System Preferences.

Slim Mode

📌Note: Slim Mode is only possible with TeamViewer version 15.2 and higher

TeamViewer's Slim Mode allows you to resize your Computers & Contacts tab so that the TeamViewer application takes up less screen space on your device. To activate, resize the TeamViewer window when you are on the Computers & Contacts tab to best fit your use case: