Automated download of Connection-Protocols

Hello team,

I'm working for a little company and basically they want an automated download for TeamViewer connection protocols to import it into our own database. I've seen that the website itself offers the download of these protocols to a normal csv-file which is actually perfect, I've already been able to build a little tool to import the files into the database. But here comes the problem. The website has some of those "I'm not a robot"-tests on every login so writing c# code to login and download the files programmatically will not work.

After some research I found two scripts that apparently do exactly what I want, problem being that one is Python, which I have no knowledge of and the other one is PowerShell which I haven't even heard off. There are instructions how to integreate the scripts but I think these instructions are a little outdated from what I've seen.

I am currently trying to "translate" one of these scripts to c# but it's extremly hard if you have no idea of Python or PowerShell.
So I wanted to ask if someone here has some kind of experience with this problem, if this would be the best way to solve it or if someone with knowledge in c# AND one of these other two languages could help me out a little.


  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @ThomasT

    use TeamViewer API to complete your task. Manual

    Your target is GET to /api/v1/reports/connections.

    I am available if you need further specific details on this tool.


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • ameunier
    ameunier Posts: 6

    I spend a lot of time to understand that I must execute the provided exemple "ExportConnectionsCSV.ps1" in PowerShell v2 (found the solution in an other forum).

    After that I still have a problem with le "ping" function provide in "Common.ps1"

    Starting CSV export...

    Ping API...
    Request [GET] /api/v1/ping
    Ping: Request failed! The error was 'Exception lors de l'appel de « Create » avec « 1 » argument(s) : « Échec de l'initialisation du système de configuration »'.
    Received content was:
    No data exported. Token or connection problem.
    CSV export finished.