Import user Or integrate with Active director


Hi Expert,

I am new to teamviewer and we just bought corporate license, I checked it can import all users from excel file or also can integrate with AD, has anyone used those function, which is easier and stable. I have less than 400 users, can someone share some idea about this?


What we need is remote access for the pc and have message chat with company users




Best Answer


  • Alfonso588
    Alfonso588 Posts: 7 [Former Staff]

    Good Post :)

    Wanted to mention that since we have an open API. Users can edit the script to accommodate nested OUs.


    $syncGroupCN = "tvuser"
    $syncGroupOU = "myUsers"
    $syncGroupSearchFilter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf=cn=$syncGroupCN,ou=$syncGroupOU,ou=anotherOU,ou=anotherOU2,$dn))"

    When editing the scripts for nested OUs. It should always start from the bottom OU to the top level OU. 


  • ShermaineW
    ShermaineW Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Thanks, Tobias.

    I am going to import the user, rather than integrate with AD, anyway AD does not support Single Sign on now, I would rather doing import from CSV file.

    I am thinkin g if it is possible to import the photo as well, for each user profiler.

  • ShermaineW
    ShermaineW Posts: 6 ✭✭

    thanks you as well, Alfonso588.

  • scharman
    scharman Posts: 2

    whats the exact sytax of the start -sleep ?

  • haribn
    haribn Posts: 1

    I ran the script with our domain parameters and it ran successfully.  But what is the next step after running the script?  I did not see anu output.

  • sonicomega

    Helllo Tobias the helpful one. I have a question regarding your ADSync script and AD integration in general. First question is, if I am running this script in the PS ISE, where will I see the outcome? Second question is I am running into an error having to do with line 146. The error reads

    Reading AD OU members

    Get all users...
    Request [GET] /api/v1/users?full_list=true
    Request failed! The error was 'The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.'.
    Received content was:
    {"error":"invalid_token","error_description":"Access token does not have the required permissions for this function.","error_code":2}
    Exception calling "Add" with "2" argument(s): "Key cannot be null.
    Parameter name: key"
    At C:\Users\owood\Downloads\TeamViewer_API_Example_Active_Directory\TeamViewer_API_Example_Active_Directory\PowerShell\ADSync.ps1:174 char:3
    + $dictUsersAPI.Add($, $u)
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ArgumentNullException

    AD OU Sync finished.


    I am no PS guru and do appreciate the help (and Maricela's and Christian's). Can you shine light on what is going wrong? Quick side note, I used the Unblocked-File cmdlet instead of figuring out the right execution level and unblocked files that were blocked.