How to use video call and remote control at the same time


I just installed full TeamViewer 12 on my computer and my Dad's.  Not the Windows 10 app store version, which doesn't seem to work very well.  I configured him for unattended operation, and I added him as a computer on my TeamViewer account.  I was able to successfully initiate a remote control session, but while the remote control was going on, I couldn't figure out how to start a video call.  Are they mutually exclusive?

I started a meeting, with myself as Presenter.  I was able to see the video from my own camera in the separate window with a black border.  When I clicked on Invite, I was able to see my Dad listed, but clicking on his item in the Contacts list didn't do anything.

So, what is the correct procedure for doing a remote control session and a video call to the same computer, at the same time?


  • Lori
    Lori Posts: 1

    Team Viewer Remote Access & Video at Same Time:
    Connect to your dad's computer remotely thorugh Team Viewer using remote control (NOT meeting/presentation).  Once connected to your dad's computer, in the Team Viewer pop-out, click the video camera icon. Video windows will appear in the Team Viewer pop-out (you may need to drag this box upward to reposition it so you can see the video windows). Red diagonal lines will be drawn through the video camera icons. Your father will need to click on the video camera to remove the red diagonal line to allow video of him (you cannot do this remotely). Once he does that, your computer will display his video feed. You then need to click on the video camera on your video feed to toggle off the red diagonal line on your video camera icon in the Team Viewer pop-out to allow video of you. Video feeds will then be displayed for each computer.  Hope this helps you!

  • Merlin026

    "Your father will need to click on the video camera to remove the red diagonal line to allow video of him (you cannot do this remotely)."

    In short, TeamViewer video is useless when I want to interact with my elderly parents, who are no longer capable of using a computer, but still want to video chat with their children.

    Thank you for providing instructions on how to auto start a video call.

    Best regards,

    Marco S.