Using app to connect to Mom's computer

Please help! I am able to remotely manange my mom's computer from my laptop. However, I will be traveling without my computer, and I need to be able to connect with the app on my phone (android). I have signed in to the app, but when I select "remote control (using password)" I receive the message "This partnner does not accept incoming connections."  What do I need to change on my mom's computer to fix this problem? I did go into her settings - Extras - Options - General - Network Settings - and changed Incoming LAN Connections to "accept" but I don't know what I'm doing here, so it was just a guess, and it didn't help. Thanks in advance for any help from anyone!

Anita Tally

Joplin, MO


Best Answers


  • Sadly, this did not help, as the settings were already what you suggested. Any other ideas?
