Assignment tool broken, how to solve.


Trying to get auto-assignment to account running with my install, but ive noticed a few issues.
There seems to be a problem with the "datafile" that the assignment tool requires to assign the computer to the account and the rights to this file.

I seem to have found a workaround for those of you intrested.

The problem itself seems to lie within the rights of the datafile and the inability to open it.,
I tried manipulating the rights with no success, but found another working solution.
Simply copy the file to another location (For example C:\Teamviewer\) and use that path in the assignment tool, and the device gets assigned properly.

Using these commands on the Teamviewer_assignment.exe on my 32 bit client.
 TeamViewer_Assignment.exe -apitoken MYTOKEN -datafile “C:\TeamViewer\AssignmentData.json” 

Would be highly appriciated if this fixed so this copy does not have to occur.

Also, neither the download link for your Custom modules, nor the API-Token
key text is selectable and can be copied (Ctrl+c) so there is no way to copy it besides inspecting the element using chrome which is kind of **bleep**.

Best regards