Use licensed account on a un-licensed device

rok Posts: 22 ✭✭


Is it possible to use a licensed account (Business) on a device (smartphone in my case, just login into the account to see computers status), that is not listed in the 3 allowed devices?  I mean .. with all the expected limitations..

I was able to to do that, but seems not to work anymore after a recent update.. anyone confirm?

Thank You



Best Answer


  • sinmoverte

    Hi Rok!

    I have a Business TV 12 licence, Teamviewer app installed on my iPhone (iOS 11.2.1 and  13.0.89402 CL app version). This device was never listed on the "3 authorized devices". 

    But I'm able to see all of my customers' computers on the list and their online status.

    So I'm not able to reproduce your issue. Maybe uninstalling and installing app again? (yeah, I know, very tipical IT solution) :P

    Or maybe you can give us more information about the mobile app (Android maybe, etc)?

    Best regards



  • rok
    rok Posts: 22 ✭✭

    My app is version 13.0.8183, android. I was able to do what you do until few days ago, I think a recent update broke it. I did it for the last year..

    Now, I can't login, I receive an error stating that the number of the maximum installation allowed as been reached..

  • rok
    rok Posts: 22 ✭✭

    That should be the point.. I had TW12 Business licence before, after upgrade to TW13 Business is no more possible to use occasionally other un-licensed devices.

    Thank you