Can't Connect to Any Partner/IDs on Windows Application

VincRus Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

Hi there. Could someone help me please with the issue.

I've tried different versions as for me as for partner 12-13.

Partner can connect to me. i can not to anywhere.

I put ID, then pass, then i see the window where should be desktop and then teamviewer crashs.

Last log lines:

2018/10/03 11:17:45.269  6752  7812 S0!  Carrier[19]::EndCarrierInternal: Discarded 3 commands, ClientID *********, ShutdownGracefully 1, SessionType_RoutingSession
2018/10/03 11:17:45.305  6752 13032 S0   ProcessControlBase[2]: Process 6696 in session 1 has terminated
2018/10/03 11:17:45.355  6752  7812 S0   CGatewaySession[19]::EndSession(): Session to **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** ended. Estimated capacity=38457kBit/s, Latency=142ms
2018/10/03 11:17:45.356  6752  7208 S0   RemoteSessionManager::ClearAllRemoteSessions(): Waited 110ms
2018/10/03 11:17:45.442  6752 14160 S0   TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2018/10/03 11:17:45.442  6752 14160 S0!  KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectEndedHandler(): KeepAliveConnection with ended
2018/10/03 11:17:45.451 13124  2448 L32  Error! TeamViewer terminated unexpectedly!
2018/10/03 11:17:45.454 13124  2448 L32  Exit
2018/10/03 11:17:45.548  9088 11908 L64  Error! TeamViewer terminated unexpectedly!
2018/10/03 11:17:45.550  9088 11908 L64  Exit