No Support

Xcell1 Posts: 2
edited May 2023 in General questions

When trying to contact your support we where getting the follwong mesage: "we have discontinued the usage of the support email address: We now have a form on our website, solely dedicated to handling all your requests: Please use this form for any future request to TeamViewer."

Now - I would very much like to BUT the site appears in Thai language only which I do not understand! Also, there is no button to change to another language. Would you have the cordiality to inform me how to proceed with my quest in contacting your support in regards of the following situation:

Strangely, I have received a message (when trying to contact my remote computer) that my partner (ie my own computer in Switzerland) uses a newer version than myself ( and requires an update to (unfortuntatley no attchment possible with this Message)
Since I did not initiate any update on the remote system and it is still running on, I do not understand this coercion.

Please clarify the situation.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Axel Schuh

PS: My IT specialists advise me never to change a functioning system.