Data Usage

Tawnya Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

Can anyone tell me if TeamViewer uses data when its open, but not in use? I seem to be using more data lately, and the only thing that has changed is that I have TeamViewer open all the time. 


  • Katharina
    Katharina Posts: 135 [Former Staff]

    Dear Tawnya, 

    Thank you very much for your post! 

    If your TeamViewer is open (i.e. ready to connect), it will use data even if you are not having a remote control session or meeting with anyone.

    The reason for this is that your TeamViewer is in steady contact with our servers, which will check whether your installation is online. That way, when one of your partners types in your ID and password, our servers can tell them immediately whether your computer is accessible and connect them to you.

    That is the reason why your TeamViewer will always be using data when it is open. However, if you are not having a remote control session or meeting, the software is basically just sending out a small “I am here”- signal to our servers and the amount of data used by TeamViewer will therefore be minimal.

    I hope this information helps!

    All the best, 



  • Andrulator
    Andrulator Posts: 1

    Dear Sir/Madam 

    Could you please let me know, how much data does TeamViewer consums when in use?

    Thank you in advance 

  • Katharina
    Katharina Posts: 135 [Former Staff]

    Dear Andrulator, 

    Thank you for your post. 

    It is unfortunately not possible to tell you exactly how much data TeamViewer will be using during a connection as this largely depends on what you do during the connection (e.g. whether you work with a software, look at videos or transfer files to or from the remote computer).  

    However, you can always check how much data TeamViewer is using during a specific connection by going to the "Actions" tab in your remote control toolbar. To the very right, you will see the "Information" section, which includes "Remote system info" and "Remote update". By clicking on the small arrow in the right-hand corner, you can open the "Connection Info" window. In that window, you will be able to see the amount of data transmitted during the current session under "Traffic".

    I hope this helps. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.

    All the best,



  • Jersey
    Jersey Posts: 2

    Is it possible to give even just a rough guide, based on simple support-style remote control. No video and no file transfer. 1Mb/min? 10Mb/min? 100Mb/min???

    Kind regards,


  • Jersey
    Jersey Posts: 2
    Luuuc. That is extremely useful as a guideline figure. Thank you very much indeed for taking the time. Perfect. :)
  • Dr-Jon
    Dr-Jon Posts: 1

    Do you have any idea how much data will be sent from a system just sending the im here packets to your server? as i plan on setting it up on a remote pc that is connected via 3G

    and i will be paying per mbyte


  • teunhoevenaars
    teunhoevenaars Posts: 1

    Dear TeamViewer,

    thank you for your replies in this thread! I was wondering whether you could elaborate a bit more on the data usage when TeamViewer is ready to connect (so no active session). More specific, I am curious about the download activity in this standby mode.

    Observing TeamViewer's data usage on a single system as a benchmark test, I noted that TeamViewer still downloads some 12 MB per hour on the background (upload is negligible). Can you explain why this download is necessary for sending out this "I am here"-message? And is there a way to reduce this overhead?

    Many thanks for your reply,
