QuickConnect and/or Sharing Single Application


Hello glorious TV community,

I've scoured these forums, TV options/settings, and also the internet without much luck on figuring out a solution to my problem. Apologies if I've missed a thread.

My end goal is to be able to share a single application/window (or select windows) with full access without also sharing access to my entire PC. In otherwords, limit access to specific things I wish to share while keeping other things off-limits. After looking through manuals, I *think* QuickConnect may be the answer I'm looking for, but it's rather unclear exactly what it does and I'm not sure how to get it to work. 

As far as I can tell, you would assign a "Partner" access to a specific window using the double arrow button at the topic of the application you wish to share. When I click this button, no one is listed. My thought is that I need to find a way to add a "Partner", though I also noticed there seems to be a caveat about them being "nearby" (same network?) when you click on the double arrow button. Iam assuming they would need to have a TV account and I would add their account to my list of groups/computers/etc and they would become a "Partner".

Assuming the above is true, and with more assumptions made, once an application is successfully shared via QuickConnect, your Partner would have the option to select it from their own TV control panel (the main screen with options to remote, meeting, etc.). But, of course, I'm not really sure how all of this works or how it is supposed to work.

Any and all help on this would be appreciated, or other ideas how I can achieve this. I'm about out of ideas and I feel like I'm very close but am too unfamiliar with this feature to make it happen.

Thanks in advance,



  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,052 Former Community Manager

    Hi Bob,

    You are right, the QuickConnect Button allows you to share a specific application or folder with selected partners of your Computer & Contacts list. 

    This is how the button looks like (the double arrow):QuickConnect Button.png

    In comparison: A regular TeamViewer meeting will present your complete screen by default with your participants (although you can define what exactly you want to share during the meeting).

    To share a specific application, you need to click on the QuickConnect Button and choose a partner from your list (he/she has to be saved in your list and has to be online). Activate the Allow partner to interact option if you would like to allow your partner to control the respective application as well.

    (Yes, the Nearby-feature allows you to search for people who are in the same network, but not necessarily saved in your own Computer & Contacts list.)

    The person, you invited will receive a "request" he/she needs to accept to see your application. A TeamViewer meeting will start after he accepts the request, but only the selected application is transmitted. Other windows or applications are not visible to your contact.

    The QuickConnect button can be deactivated for all or only individual applications, if needed. Likewise, you can change the position of the button. These settings are available in the TeamViewer options in the category Advanced.

    All the best, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • profetik777

    is this avail. or mac users as well? I don't see that opiton. I'm on version 12. 

  • Miche
    Miche Posts: 2

    Hello Esther, thanks for your reply. 

    I posted a similar question here, would it be possible to minimize the shared window on the remote computer while keeping the partner's window the same size? In other words, can the remote computer still be used while the partner uses another application on the same machine? 


  • zdragas
    zdragas Posts: 1


    is QuickConnect option removed from version 13? I cannot find it under advanced option

  • Drinu276
    Drinu276 Posts: 1

    I have the same problem.

    Before I had enabled the QuickConnect button, certain applications would show up as a black screen, so I enabled it and it fixed it.

    Now I'm trying to find the option to re-enable it but I cannot, also on TeamViewer 13.

  • briener92

    Hi, i just installed Teamviewer 13 and can´t find the Quick Connect button. I have Windows 10 and installed it on two different computer.

    I searched in the Options menu -> Advanced, but i can´t find the settings for QuickConnect button

    Is it gone in Teamviewer 13, because in Teamviewer 12 it is available und works fine



  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,052 Former Community Manager

    Hi @briener92, @Drinu276, @zdragas,

    yes - like everything it used to be there, but it underutilized, so we chose to discontinue the part of the product.

    Thanks and all the best,


    Former Community Manager