Blizz feedback

GraceOgunsanwo Posts: 3
edited April 2023 in Meeting Forum

Hi all,

We would like to collect your feedback on Blizz tool.  We want to read and learn what you – our community members – think, experience and expect from the current and a future Blizz
We would like to ask you to bring up both sides and find arguments for and against the current Blizz and we would like to know:
    What do you like about Blizz? Is there something that helps you work efficiently in your daily business? ... why?
    What do you NOT like about Blizz? Is there something that prevents you from working efficiently in your daily business? .... why?
    IDEAS: What would you expect from a potential future version? ... why?
    WHY? Please always add and explain the reason behind your arguments and thoughts. This is very important to really understand your underlying needs.

As we need to understand your different use cases, your jobs to be done, and the usage context, please explain your typical usage to the group so that everyone can understand your arguments. You can describe your technical set-up (e.g. devices, operating systems, etc.) and the context when you perform your tasks (e.g. environment, situation, surroundings).

To have a lively and productive discussion, we would like you to be open-minded about this topic although you might have strong feelings about it.

Please feel free to post screenshots or mockups to help us understand your points even better.
Thanks in advance and we are looking forward learning more from you and having a lively discussion about this topic.


(Blizz Product Owner)


  • josefkoerner
    ich bin als externer consultant bei TeamViewer tätig. Super Firma ? alle Meetings lufen über blizz. Funktioniert meistens sehr gut.
    Einen Verbesserungswunsch möchte ich euch aber ans Herz legen:
    Regelmäßige Meetings müssen ab und an von anderen Mitarbeitern gestartet werden (Urlaub, Krankheit,...). Das bedeutet neue Meeting ID. Wer es nicht mitbekommt ist ausgesperrt.
    Ich dwnke, hier wäre anstatt der personalisierten ID eine Sächliche ID notwendig. Die bleibt gleich solange es das Meeting gibt.

    Denkt mal drüber nach... Liebe Grüße Josef Körner
  • Fookes_Software

    We have posted several recommendations in the support forum, namely:

    - Mute does not work for participants using their Browser (and not the App).

    - Chat does not work for participants using their Browser (and not the App).


  • mx
    mx Posts: 1

    + Schnelle Installation u. einfache Bedienung.

    Feature Requests:

    - Gruppieren / Filtern von Kontakten.

    - Eintrag im Chatprotokoll, wenn ein Anhang gesendet wurde. Ev. mit Wiederholfunktion.

  • Durango2k

    Ich brauche eine Funktion, um Dokumente auf Endgeräten, "im live Video Chat" gemeinsam zu bearbeiten.

    Master / Organizer öffnet pdf oder Word oder XLS, und alle Clients können in dem Dokument eintragen / Arbeiten, während sie alle per Video am Rand sichtbar sind. Auf Wunsch dann Rückschalte auf den Master / Organizer in seinem Videokonferenzraum.

    Im Moment plane ich für uns die Anschaffung eines Smartboards, und möchte das gern gezielt mit dieser Konfig mit Blizz so betreiben. Das würde m. E. nach auch funktionieren (mit externem Mini-PC als Quelle, der Video, Audio, LAN + Touch fürs Smartboard bereitstellt), wenn es das Editier- Feature gäbe....


    P.S. - ich habe einen sep. Beitrag dazu aufgemacht, vielleicht geht das ja bereits, nur in meinem Setup nicht ? Habe einen W10- 64- PC, ein W10- 64- Tablet und ein iPadPro versucht, geht nicht...

  • nanobiologist

    Feature request

    - Bring back the Webclient!!!

    - Linux SUPPORT

  • pmueller_plrp
    pmueller_plrp Posts: 3 ✭✭
    1. OS compatibility !!!
      1. Linux client with full functionality (recording, calendar, etc.) <= URGENT
      2. Alternative a Webclient with recording option
    2. Improved Recording Options including e.g. mp4
      1. .blz/.tvs files are way too large and are unusable without a Blizz or Teamviewer client
        Conversion to a more common (and modern, avi is from the mid 1990s ...) codec takes hours for long meetings or presentations
  • Harald_Suse
    Harald_Suse Posts: 1
  • OwlCat
    OwlCat Posts: 5 ✭✭
    edited December 2020

    This is about TeamViewer meetings (Blizz) for Linux. redirects to, where I get a 403 message (access forbidden). That's bad. If TeamViewer doesn't want to support Linux, they should give a clear statement on that. Regrettably I don't see any Linux package and TeamViewer dosn't say anything about a roadmap for offering Linux support. To me, the willingnes of a webmeetings provider to support Linux is a strong indicator for the provider's attitude.

    Sadly, the Webinterfaces ( and don't work anymore due to security reasons ( They used the Adobe Flash Player, which is not safe anyway.

    So please, TeamViewer team, say something about this.