Ein PC und zwei Laptops im (W)LAN, auf einem Laptop funktioniert das Update via Internet nicht mehr.
Auszug aus dem Logfile:
2023/07/07 09:30:33.593 3700 4076 S0 UdpConnection[15]: UDP statistics: rrp=1 ps=2594 pr=33449
2023/07/07 09:30:41.201 5640 5676 D1 QualitySelectionDesktop::Received_Session_BandwidthReport: Connectivity rating changed from 3 to 2
2023/07/07 09:30:41.201 5640 5676 D1 DisplayQuality m=0, bpp=32, q=80, conRating=2, cpu=5424, capacity=37507, RTT=26025, disable animation=1 remove wallpaper=1, video=1, fullscreenVideo=0
2023/07/07 09:30:54.682 5640 5680 D1 CScreenStreamSender::SendDisplayParams() 1920x1080x32 on 12 to 3 (restartStream=0)
2023/07/07 09:30:54.682 6296 6408 G1 RA: RemoteAudioSender get started
2023/07/07 09:30:55.941 6296 6300 G1 AccountVisibilityTracker::CheckIdleState(): [OnlineState] System is back to active
2023/07/07 09:30:57.788 6296 6300 G1 UpdateBase::StartUpdate(): Start minor update... (UpdateType=1) (TargetModule=1)
2023/07/07 09:30:57.789 6296 6408 G1 UpdateBase::StartVersionFileDownload(): Start download of version file...(Version : 3.0, Channel: 1 )
2023/07/07 09:30:57.791 6296 5992 G1 ChangeThreadDesktop(): SetThreadDesktop to default successful
2023/07/07 09:30:57.942 6296 6300 G1 AccountVisibilityTracker::CheckIdleState(): [OnlineState] System is back to active
2023/07/07 09:30:57.943 6296 6408 G1!! Account::SetVisibility: Already waiting for response.
2023/07/07 09:30:57.944 6296 6300 G1 AccountVisibilityTracker::SetAccountVisibilityTimer(): [OnlineState] ErrorCB, Timer was set to extended interval.
2023/07/07 09:30:58.425 6296 6300 G1 AccountVisibilityTracker::SetAccountVisibilityTimer(): [OnlineState] ResultCB, state changed to: 0
2023/07/07 09:31:03.319 3368 7292 H64 explorer.exe: ResumeAllThreads: resumed 19 threads, max count 19
2023/07/07 09:31:03.320 3368 7292 H64 explorer.exe: DragInterceptor::Intercept: interception successful
2023/07/07 09:31:05.150 3700 4068 S0 UdpConnection[15]: UDP statistics: dp=1 rrp=17 prp=47 scf=19 nb=345 ps=2364 pr=42148
2023/07/07 09:31:09.808 6296 5992 G1!! UpdateBase::OnDownloadFinishedVersionFile() failed - CInetDownload::ThreadRun - ErrorSendRequest 12002, Errorcode=12002
2023/07/07 09:31:09.810 6296 5992 G1 tvsystem::CThread::weakJoin - thread {Not-any-thread} has succesfully detached itself