求助!teamviewer 经常会在系统后台占用过高的CPU,个人使用的是Windows10 操作系统,teamviewer 设置了开机启动,但是经常会在后台占用到一半以上的CPU。搞得我现在都不敢启动teamviewer 了,怕被坏人利用了漏洞。
卸载 安装最新版本,CPU占用下来了,另外一个程序的CPU占用也消失了
请您尝试将 TeamViewer 软件版本更新至最新的 14.3 以作测试。
我们期待您的TeamViewer 使用状况的更新。
同@LawGK 一摸一样的问题与表现,等待解决。
@XiaoMochou 您好,
希望teamviewer 团队可以尽快排查出问题,并解决问题。对于这种情况来说对用户影响还是非常大的,配置稍微差一点的电脑就很可能莫名的被满载的cpu 导致卡顿,严重的出现系统崩溃,就算本人用的是i5 主流平台的配置都会偶尔因teamviewer 后台导致高cpu 占用率而导致电脑崩溃、卡死。这种问题对于有计算机专业基础的人来说还不为致命,如果是普通的用户电脑到底在哪里出问题了都不知道,这是很容易影响到工作效率。
@LawGK 您好,
感谢您和大家的提问。TeamViewer 后台占用CPU 过高的问题可能有不同的原因造成的。
TeamViewer 团队也正在查看此问题。如有更多最新进展,我们将尽快告知。
我原本正在运行其他程序,发现速度很慢。打开任务管理器后发现:Local Session Manager进程与Remote Desktop Service分别占用了50%左右和40%左右的CPU,总CPU占用率显示为100%,于是我在任务管理器中结束了这两个进程,此时我并没有注意到teamviewer的状态,但我肯定没有主动通过任何一个终端连接这台计算机。在我关闭上述两个进程后,任务管理器中立刻出现了(或者说按照CPU使用率排列跳到了顶端)名为teamviewer的进程,CPU占用率96%左右。此时我查看了teamviewer的状态,并没有处于连接(被控制)状态,用户名无法修改,密码处可以输入,登录按钮为灰色,似乎是断开网络连接或正在尝试登录的状态,但许久没有响应。接着我关闭了teamviewer进程,打开任务管理器,发现名为teamviewer_server的进程仍然占用着30%以上的CPU。重新启动teamviewer之后,迟迟未能建立连接(登录账户)。然后我卸载了teamviewer并重新安装,还是无法建立连接(登录账户),而且关闭teamviewer后,后台名为teamviewer_server的进程仍然占用着30%以上的CPU。
The same problem has not been solved elsewhere, such as in the community. Next I will elaborate on what I have encountered:
I was running other programs and found that the speed was very slow. When I opened the task manager, I found that the Local Session Manager process occupied about 50% and the Remote Desktop Service occupied about 40% of the CPU respectively. The total CPU occupancy rate was 100%. So I ended the two processes in the task manager. At this time, I did not notice the status of the team viewer, but I certainly did not take the initiative to connect the computer through any terminal.
After I shut down the two processes mentioned above, a process named TeamViewer appeared immediately in the task manager (or jumped to the top in terms of CPU utilization) with a CPU occupancy of about 96%. At this point, I checked the status of the team viewer, not in the connection (controlled) state, the username can not be changed, the password can be entered, the login button is gray, seems to be disconnected from the network connection or trying to login, but for a long time no response.
Then I closed the TeamViewer process and opened the task manager. I found that the process named teamviewer_server still occupies more than 30% of the CPU. After restarting the teamviewer, the connection (login account) was delayed. Then I uninstalled the TeamViewer and reinstalled it. I still couldn't establish a connection (login account), and after closing the teamviewer, the process named teamviewer_server in the background still occupies more than 30% of the CPU.
Be careful! Then something strange happened. I opened the Task Manager, which no longer shows any processes in the process bar (instead of opening the abbreviated information mode). I didn't find a solution to this problem on the Internet, but a reply from the Microsoft community indicated that there was a possibility of being hidden by some virus program.
For the sake of overall security, I shut down all the networks and scanned the hard disk virus and deleted TeamViewer, but no virus was found.
It is hoped that technicians will follow up as soon as possible. If software vulnerabilities are exploited by bad people, the consequences may be very serious.
这是近1个月才出现的问题。teamviewer 在 win10 后台运行(没有连接与被连接)时占用了较高的cpu。版本为14.2.2558
主要进程名为:Local Session Manager、Remote Desktop Service、Teamviewer14.。如图所示:
从系统托盘处退出 teamviewer 后情况不会有任何改善,我必须从任务管理器结束 teamviewer 进程才可以。
我已经阅读了TeamViewer 连接的远程端 CPU 使用率高,但它描述的是主动连接时的情况,没有帮助。
你好,通过资源管理器查看到名称是teamviewer, 描述好像是teamviewer_server(因为我现在就只有一张截图,没有在装了teamviewer 那台电脑的旁边,所以没能提供很详细的信息),但是有一个很重要的信息就是PID,进程的pid 是4936, 通常teamviewer 占用CPU 过高时还会连带一个LSM 的服务一起,并且也占用非常高的CPU,LSM 服务的pid是432。
我的win7系统, TeamViewer 后台偶尔也会占用99%CPU
您好, @XiaoMochou
请您查看 TeamViewer 连接的远程端 CPU 使用率高的知识库文章。