mac 的 dock 里面已经有 teamviewer 的图标了,但是右上角的菜单栏中还有图标
重新打开 teamviewer 的时候,不要重新创建图标,可以直接使用锁定在 docker 的图标
If you remove from docker all teamviewer icons and run in terminal the command
open /Applications/
then how many icons will appear?
If you run it again during the teamviewer app is opened?
before uninstall and after uninstall
Please take a look in Applications folderIsif after uninstall it with the prefferedway, if there exist a TeanViewer icon of folder.
I believe something remains in your MacOS that causes this situation. try this url, this is a bug of the forum.
i don't have any firewall, even the default MacOS firewall.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**513.jpg
Ok, could you try it again but first disable any installed firewall, even the default MacOs firewall?.
i have uninstall from the advance menu and remove the config file,and reboot my mac, and install again, but still the same.
I changed the menus language in my Mac from Greek to English, in order to help you further.
Here are two screenshots showing the exact place of the uninstall option.
In 2nd image to the upper right corner it says Advanced.
After selecting this you will see the menu like this screenshot and at the bottom you can check the box "Also delete configuration files" and then click "Uninstall".
After this step please reboot your Mac and then install the latest version of TeamViewer.
For the end please update with the results!
The preferred way is the one I wrote before. The advanced menu is inside settings menu (preferences), to the top right it has two arrows if I remember correct. Inside the advanced menu to the bottom you will find the uninstall and remember to check the remove configuration files box. Please update with the results.
i can't find the "Advanced" menu only way i can uninstall the app is remove the teamviewer directory from the Applications directory.
Could you try the full uninstall, as I wrote before?
it didn't happen on quick support.
One other important question please:
Have you tried to full uninstall the app from menu Advanced - Uninstall with check to remove configuration files, reboot the Mac and after that to make a new fresh installation?
Yes it does, but it is happening this issue with quick support icon if you pin it on the dock? This is what I'd like to know
quick support just show the id and password
Go to website Download - MAC scroll down one screen and click on blue icon "Download QuickSupport". it is the newest version.and how can i run the Quick support?
Could you try to run the Quick support to see what will happen?
What version of TeamViewer are you using?
just with teamviewer, i've never see this happen on other app.
Is this happening only with Teamviewer or with other app's also?
i record my action: just quit the app and reopen it, and there is two logo in the docker.
Hi @walkerxk
The left icon is not a running app since it doesn't has the grey dot under it. It seems to be some kind of shortcut. How did you put it there? Can you delete it or dissable this icon?
The right Icon is from the app is running. In order to keep the icon of a running app to the docker, you right click on it during runing and press options >> keep in dock. After closing tha app the icon will continue to be there and it is very aimple to do this.
Best regads
左圖標不是正在運行的應用,因為它下方沒有灰色點。 這似乎是某種捷徑。 你是怎麼把它放在那裡的? 您可以刪除它還是禁用該圖標?
右側的圖標來自應用程序正在運行。 為了將正在運行的應用程序的圖標保留在泊塢窗中,請在運行過程中右鍵單擊它,然後按選項>>保持停靠。 關閉應用程序後,圖標將繼續存在,並且這樣做非常簡單。
i mean when i quit the app and reopen it ,i got two logo in the docker i need to remove the first logo from the docker and keep the second logo in the docker,and move the second logo to the place the first one was.and why there is a logo in the docker, still need a logo in the menu bar?
Do you mean that the icon is not visible at the top of the screen all the times?
If yes, then note that the MacOS expands in the top bar all the menu of the application you are working on and to the rest of the place it begins from the right to left to shows the icons of the other opened apps.
Depending from the size screen you have and how big is the menu of the aplication you are working, you can see what is left to this icon bar area.
For example in the folowing screenshots,
in first I have open the Chrome app and its menu hides some of the other icons
in the second screenshot I have open the Finder app and because it has small width of menu, it allows all other icons of the icon bar to be visible.
@walkerxk 您好,
请问在您的Mac 设备上,屏幕右上角出现的 TeamViewer 图标是否为灰色且附加感叹号?如果是,请您点击该图标,然后进行 访问权限的修改。更多详细信息,请查看知识库文章 - 如何控制 Mac - macOS 10.14 或更高版本。
如果不是上述问题,请您提供详细问题描述和使用的设备操作系统和TeamViewer 版本系数以作更多查看。