dear support
hello , I am a high school student, recently, I must stay home and study due to COVID19, I have used teamviewer several months, but days ago, my WIN10 has updated, and then it shows "you have reached the limit of devices"
I learn the newest policy that the personal license can only be used on two devices, but I just use teamviewer on my laptop and my work computer, so could you certify that and resume my license?
我是一名学生,由于covid19的影响,我无法去学校进行科研,所以我一直使用teamviewer,前天我的系统更新后,再次使用tv时,提示需要授权设备,授权之后就提示我达到设备数量限制, 我了解到最新政策是免费版可使用两台设备,但是我一直都只在自己电脑上使用,你们能否查证一下,恢复我的正常使用?