Update now to the most recent TeamViewer Remote version 15.58. See the Changelogs here.

[Linux] v15.11.6 (Full) - Change Log

JeanK Posts: 7,028 Community Manager 🌍

Operating system: Linux

Version: 15.11.6

Release date: 2020-10-27


  • Increased the RSA key length from 2048 to 4096 bits. The RSA key is used to encrypt TeamViewer connections and partner list details. Increasing the key length results in much stronger security.
  • We switched the links in `teamviewer.list` (DEB) and `teamviewer.repo`(RPM) to HTTPS.
  • Add repo_gpgcheck for yum:
    We are already signing the yum repos and files in the repo, but while we were checking the file signatures, we are now checking the repo signature. This has been reported by Daniel Aleksandersen

Community Manager



  • Hello,

    the sending all keys enabled/disabled message is annoying.

    I could change language to both local (linux) and remore (w10) computer with super+space, but now I need to switch seperatel on each desktop.

    How can I have sending all keys enabled all the time, as it was before?


  • Dear Jean,

    Thank you for releasing an update to TeamViewer on Linux.

    I wrote some time ago about support of your product on Linux and referenced the situation with a well-known traditional web-conferencing provider.

    Through community efforts, that well-known company recently changed their mind and have now decided to develop a native meetings client for Linux.  The community were grateful and asked that they respond to the overwhelming desire for the native client as an AppImmage.

    TeamViewer Linux is a little behind the builds for other platforms.  Possibly that reflects TeamViewer's resourcing business decisions.

    Given that even Microsoft, when it wants Customers to use their product, develop for Linux and traditional, previously Windows-centric behemoths, can no-longer ignore Linux (when their competition, **Third Party Product** manages to put out Linux updates on a fortnightly update cycle), I wonder whether it's time for TeamViewer to take Linux a little more seriously and give it a little more than the grudging commitment it appears to.  I don't claim any foresight here, but I do wonder whether, were TeamViewer to bow to the community calls for an agnostic build, such as provided by AppImage, that the installed base for TeamViewer might not grow?

    Again, thank you for updating the Linux Viewer to v15.11.6.  I shall try to get it running and rolled-out across our HP ThinClient ThinPro 7.1 (OEM'd Ubuntu 16.04LTS) estate, and look forward to the day when updates of your product and updates of ThinPro by HP (7.2 is due out next month), would take the guess-work out of whether your product will run/will continue to run, through the simplication (for us) of you adopting something agnostic, like AppImage.

    Thank you and stay safe.

  • No such luck.

    + cd /media/GenericFlash_sdb1/opt/teamviewer/tv_bin
    + /media/GenericFlash_sdb1/opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewer

    CheckCPU: SSE2 support: yes
    Checking setup...
    Launching TeamViewer ...
    Starting network process (no daemon)
    Network process already started (or error)
    Launching TeamViewer GUI ...
    + printf '%s\t%s\t.../media/GenericFlash_sdb1/opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewer Exited\n' 16/11/2020 17:19:19
    16/11/2020 17:19:19 .../media/GenericFlash_sdb1/opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewer Exited
    + status=0
    exit "${status}"
    + exit 0

    There wasn't another TV process running, but I checked again just in case.  Jean, I'm sure it would run just fine if installed to the .deb package's manifest locations, but I can't do that.  HP won't allow us within the terms of our support contract.  If we want to run 3rd party apps like TV then we have to do so from removable media like the btrfs-formatted GenericFlash device you see referenced in the snippet.  We wouldn't have this pain, and we'd be able to benefit from the fruits of all your work in compiling that updated Linux build if only it were an AppImage.


  • Jean, the likely reason is that as built, TV attempting to create its single-procress lock file on the removable media:

    2020/11/16 17:40:13.394  1678 **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**26272 N   Starting as network
    2020/11/16 17:40:13.394 1678 **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**26272 N!!!DaemonRuntimeInfo::Writer: failed to lock the file "/tmp/tmpfs/media/GenericFlash_sdb1/opt/teamviewer/config/teamviewerd.pid" - , Errorcode=13
    2020/11/16 17:40:13.394 1678 **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**96832 N+ FBSessionObserver: thread_interrupted
    2020/11/16 17:40:13.395 1678 **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**26272 N Shutting down DBus IOHandler

    /opt wouldn't ordinarily be writable so not  entirely sure what set of config checks it has gone through before defaulting to trying to create its .pid file under /opt.

    These are the sorts of issues faced when needing to run from non-standard locations, issues largely erradicated by AppImage of course. :)

  • The problem I mentioned earlier does not happen anymore. Therefore I doubt if teamviewer was responsible for the problem or it was cause by a ubuntu feature that was covered by a system upodate (which I regularly check.) 


    @cinephos wrote:


    the sending all keys enabled/disabled message is annoying.

    I could change language to both local (linux) and remore (w10) computer with super+space, but now I need to switch seperatel on each desktop.

    How can I have sending all keys enabled all the time, as it was before?
