The username is the same on all computers

AndreiHalus Posts: 1
edited April 2023 in Meeting Forum


I bought a "Meeting Crew 50" license. TeamViewer Meeting software is installed on 6 computers. From these computers we logged into the TeamViewer Meeting application with the email address and password of the administrator account.

When someone makes an audio or video conference, all the people in the conference appear with the same name - the name of the admin profile account.

If separate accounts are created in user administration, then a person can log in to TeamViewer Meeting with a Free license, but no longer has access to the main calendar where he can add or delete an appointment.

Is there a solution for users to be logged in to the main account, to have access to the main calendar (that of the administrator) and when in a conference to have their own name and not the one on the administrator account?

Best regards,
