deploy new tvopt file

Shawn_Moran Posts: 2 ✭✭

I have updated a few systems, and realize I need to change some settings. how can i deploy a new tvopt file and settings.


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 6,990 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Shawn_Moran,

    You can add the .tvopt file into your TeamViewer deployment by simply putting the file into the same folder in which the .msi is located.

    Community Manager

  • Axzon
    Axzon Posts: 1

    Hello @JeanK

    We are deploying TV via Intune with different settings and it is not possible to add .tvopt file into our TeamViewer deployment. May be you know anothet solution for this.

    But anyway my main question : is it possible to change "Personal password: for all installed hosts in my subscription ?

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 6,990 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Axzon,

    Using the .tvopt file is the only way to push a personal password. There is, currently, no workaround for this operation.

    Community Manager

  • AlexViorreta
    AlexViorreta Posts: 1
    edited April 2023

    Hello all,

    I need to Import the tvopt by command line, but in the teamviewer support I don't find how to do it.

    I see I can do it with the msiexe (msiexec.exe /i "Path_to\TeamViewer_Host.msi" SETTINGSFILE="YOURPATH\yourfilename.tvopt"...)

    But, Is there any way to do it when the teamviewer Host is already installed?

    I see there is the command: "Path\To\TeamViewer.exe" assign --api-token xxxxxx --grant-easy-access --group-id gxxxxx

    to configure new parameters when the teamviewer is installed, so the question is if there is a parameter to import the tvopt with the same way.

    Thanks a lot!

  • cjgb
    cjgb Posts: 1
    edited March 2023

    Hello everyone, I'm just having the same problem @AlexViorreta I wanted to know if you found a way to do this.

    When the Host is not installing everything works as it should, but when it was already installed it does not update the client configuration parameters.

    Thanks to all for the help

    After writing I found the answer Sorry.

    JeanK Posts: 6,538 Community Manager 🌍

    February 2022

    Hello @LIGMichael,

    I'll try to summarize the situation here:

    It is currently not possible to apply (import) the options file via command prompt if the client is already installed.

    However, there is an alternative I might suggest:

    1) You can uninstall TeamViewer from all devices

    2) Deploy TeamViewer via the .msi file and add the .tvopt file to your deployment

    We explain how to proceed in the following article under the section Configuration of installation:

    Mass deployment on Windows - TeamViewer Support

    This article applies to all TeamViewer customers with a Corporate or Tensor license and to TeamViewer versions in 13.2 or newer. Supported Windows versions: Win 7, Win 8, and Win 10 General This article explains how you can deploy TeamViewer Host and TeamViewer Full in a mass deployment scenario on Windows. Installation…

    Let me know if something is not clear. 😊

    All the best,


    Community Manager

  • Ignacio_Ibarra_86
    Ignacio_Ibarra_86 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Hey guys, any news on this post? I am deploying windows 11 and I want to install Temaviewer with a password pre-set, the only way is doing it through TVOPT, but adding the line in my MDT it doesn't work

    msiexec.exe /i "TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=XXXX APITOKEN=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %computername% --grant-easy-access --group-id gXXXXXXXX" SETTINGSFILE="D:\MDTwin11\Applications\Teamviewer\configuration.tvopt"

    D:\MDTwin11\Applications\Teamviewer, I change this path several times trying different ones.

    when I take this SETTIGSFILE line off, It will install Teamviewer with the other configuration working, with SETTINGSFILE it wont work, any advice on what can I do to make it work?

  • Ignacio_Ibarra_86
    Ignacio_Ibarra_86 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Hey guys, any news on this post? I am deploying windows 11 and I want to install Temaviewer with a password pre-set, the only way is doing it through TVOPT, but adding the line in my MDT it doesn't work

    msiexec.exe /i "TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=XXXX APITOKEN=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %computername% --grant-easy-access --group-id gXXXXXXXX" SETTINGSFILE="D:\MDTwin11\Applications\Teamviewer\configuration.tvopt"

    D:\MDTwin11\Applications\Teamviewer, I change this path several times trying different ones.

    when I take this SETTIGSFILE line off, It will install Teamviewer with the other configuration working, with SETTINGSFILE it wont work, any advice on what can I do to make it work?

  • jesus_maria_jurado

    hi @Ignacio_Ibarra_86 , I couldn't do that using command line, but consider tvopt file is just a windows registry file, so you can add its values directly into the registry running a command like this:

    reg.exe import path_to_your_file.tvopt

    and then restart the computer.

    I hope this can help you.