Let’s celebrate the International Day of Friendship and the circumstance that we can stay in touch with friends no matter where they are.
For most people, few things are as valuable to them as their relationships to their inner circle of friends.
However, even if we’re not only talking about the people closest to us, but also include more common acquaintances, friendships are a wonderful thing.
Annually on 30th July, the International Day of Friendship is being observed all over the world to celebrate the bonds we form with others:
“The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities.”
Here at TeamViewer, we can relate to this noble cause very strongly. Not only because it sounds nice, but because, as a company, it is part of our DNA.
As you might know, we’re a pretty diverse company with colleagues from more than 60 nations – most of which come together in the Göppingen headquarters on a daily basis.
And then there’s the fact that we basically owe TeamViewer’s worldwide success to friends helping friends.
That’s because TeamViewer is and always has been free of charge for private users who help their friends and family.
And while that can sometimes be stressful for you being the IT expert in your circle of friends, it’s always a good feeling to help a grateful friend in need.
As it says in our company’s vision:
“We are passionate about connecting people and devices, friends and family and businesses of any size.”
Means to Foster Your Friendships with TeamViewer
So what does a good friendship need to flourish?
I think one of the most important aspects is a somewhat regular contact with your friends, wouldn’t you agree?
Oftentimes that’s easier said than done, though. In a world that’s ever so globalized, many friends live physically separated from one another, which complicates the topic of regular contact.
But what am I trying to tell you who’s reading this blog post on the internet right now?
Chat, Online Meetings and Video Calls are not a novelty to you.
Which is probably also the reason why you (will) love TeamViewer: It offers all of these functionalities and more in one package and it’s super easy to switch between them with only a click.
So the next time one of your friends needs you to fix their computer, why don’t you have a video call afterwards?
Stay Connected!
The International Day of Friendship is a great opportunity to have a long call with your best friend, maybe go out together, or just hang out somewhere.
However, hopefully I was able to point out that a good friendship needs to be nourished frequently by staying in touch with each other.
At any rate, TeamViewer has all the means to help your friends an communicate in written form or face to face at your disposal – for free.
How often do you help out your friends using TeamViewer? Post your answer in the comment section below!