Free CPU Capacity with TeamViewer’s Hardware Acceleration

Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager
edited April 2023 in Blog


TeamViewer’s Hardware Acceleration feature takes weight off your CPU’s shoulders to improve your computer’s performance during remote support.

The central processing unit (CPU) is what many call the “engine” of computing devices.

It has a big effect on a device’s overall performance and speed which suffer badly, if the CPU’s capacities are exhausted.

So what can you do to improve performance and speed when your CPU is overloaded with tasks?

Hardware acceleration is what describes the practice of delegating computationally intensive tasks from a device's CPU to specialized components.

A prime example for such tasks is graphics. Because CPUs are designed to process a wide array of different tasks, they can’t handle graphics nearly as effective as a GPU (graphics processing unit) is able to.

Therefore, by redirecting special tasks to suitable hardware components, the CPU regains capacities needed, for example, to run several programs at the same time.

And because hardware acceleration can make such drastic improvements to your computer’s performance and not to mention your TeamViewer experience, we now provide you with its benefits in the latest version of TeamViewer!

Enjoy Smoother-Than-Ever Remote Connections

We incorporated the hardware acceleration feature into TeamViewer’s image processing to make your remote sessions run smoother than ever.

The benefits you will experience will show, for example, in

  • less interferences
  • and greater responsiveness from remote devices,

as well as the possibility to run more connections (or other applications) at the same time.

Or in other words, TeamViewer optimizes and makes the most out of your hardware for the best remote control experience.

By the way, TeamViewer’s hardware acceleration is constantly active, meaning you don’t need to activate the new feature anywhere in the program.

Accelerate Your Support

If you’re someone who gets frustrated by computer limitations fairly easily, the hardware acceleration feature might just be what you’ve been looking for in TeamViewer.

Thanks to the feature, any actions you perform with TeamViewer should run ever so smooth with more headroom for CPU multitasking, allowing you to work fast, and without having to fear an immediate slowdown.

What’s your opinion on hardware acceleration? Tell us in the comment section below!

Former Community Manager


  • Hi,

    thanks for that. Please, can you describe in more detail, what is accelerated by GPU on local machine and what on remote machine? Is it GPU used during connection from TeamViewer 13 to older one?

    Thank you :)

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    @LonDat The GPU acceleration is always on the local side. There is no acceleration by the GPU, instead what TeamViewer is accomplishing, is by using DirectX, we are offloading the video tasks from the CPU to the GPU that is meant to handle this type of computations. This feature was activated in version 12 and 13. The remote side can run any version of TeamViewer, as long as the local device has a GPU, at this time TeamViewer is going to try to use the GPU to draw the remote machine on your device.  I hope this helps, Esther


    Former Community Manager

  • Can we turn off this acceleration?

  • Wlk
    Wlk Posts: 2

    Is there any way how to check if HW acceleration works? Tried to use teamviewer to check game and it took more than 60% of CPU time on host machine (quad core 4,2GHz intel with Geforce 1070ti) and also cca 40% on local machine (dualcore notebook with i6100 cpu and integrated Intel Graphics). Seems to me that everything is done by CPU and not GPU. Both machines run latest updated Windows 10. Thanks for any info!

    Edit: Added GPU info

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