Endpoint remote install says Symantec is installed and refuses to run
On a lot of our computers, we are unable to deploy endpoint.
It says Symantec Endpoint Protection CLoud is already installed.
SEPC has been removed and computer rebooted before the deployement.
Already run the norton cleaner on some computers without any luck.
Any idea ?
I got an answer from teamviewer support, and this solution works:
Can you please try our cleanup tool. Please do following steps:
- Download the following Tool: https://teamviewer.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/DataStore/ERpgGYHo1h1Ku6t0tAxhYOkBgbmVD823DztOoCn_xaIBMA?e=fWqXa3
- Run this Tool with 'Rightclick - run as administrator' after it´s finished - reboot the device
- After the reboot, run it again with administrator privileges
- Download the latest version of teamviewer from our homepage https://www.teamviewer.com/de/download/windows/
- Install TeamViewer
- Assign the device to your account
- Install Endpoint Protection and let us know if its worked