Problems registering a device

luke_b Posts: 3
edited April 2023 in IoT Forum

Version Armv7 2.15.11

I am trying to register my device with the command "assign -t t<toke> -g 'group'" but i receive the error "[BEE:ApiTokenAssignment]: Error: ManagerAccountName message queue creation: 38 Function not implemented, Errorcode=38!"

if a register it using setup wizard it works but just the very first time, after rebooting the device, i can see it available in device list, but when i try to connect it ask me for a password and i have to register it again.

any help?



  • mircea_c
    mircea_c Posts: 146 Staff member 🤠

    Hello @luke_b

    Could you uninstall (purge) and try again?



    Tech Support IoT