Teamviewer stops working GetWindowText (User32.dll) Function

Anwarjutt Posts: 5 ✭✭
edited May 2021 in Deployment & Integrations

I have developed a C# code which access to user32.dll and it is using GetWindowText function. The code is working properly when Teamviewer is uninstalled on Windows 7.

However if you install Teamviewer, the code can not retrieve the text of control in window with GetWindowText function. How can I solve this problem ?

Best Answer

  • packageslab
    packageslab Posts: 1
    Answer ✓

    Well I have resolved the issue. I was calling also dialog file class with the function FindWindowEx by the class name #32770.

    This class type is used also by Teamviewer(TV) quick support user interface. When I run my code, there is a intervention to the interface of TV and blocks of working user32 functions.

    To solve the problem I have called the FindWindow function with class name and control name so that there is no intervention to the TV and problem solved.


  • packageslab
    packageslab Posts: 1
    Answer ✓

    Well I have resolved the issue. I was calling also dialog file class with the function FindWindowEx by the class name #32770.

    This class type is used also by Teamviewer(TV) quick support user interface. When I run my code, there is a intervention to the interface of TV and blocks of working user32 functions.

    To solve the problem I have called the FindWindow function with class name and control name so that there is no intervention to the TV and problem solved.

  • Anwarjutt
    Anwarjutt Posts: 5 ✭✭
    edited June 2021

    @packageslab Thanks Dude I was searching my answer every where.