How to work in high-security areas with TeamViewer

Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠
edited April 2023 in Blog

People all over the world are using TeamViewer -and beyond! As you remember, TeamViewer is also being used on the International Space Station 🚀    

However, TeamViewer in space is only one of the numerous exciting use cases for remote support.   

There are thousands of other examples with TeamViewer being used in similar high-priority situations, high-security areas, and with sensitive data involved.  

When taking a moment to think about the critical infrastructure, it becomes clear that the demand for security is beyond what an average person -like me- would ever think of.  

Data needs special protection 

Sharing data, making a connection, and allowing others to remote control is a sensitive topic. And the sensitivity starts already with your moms' device. It increases quickly to business and governmental devices, heavy industrial equipment, and – of course - the international space station.  

I'd say: All of them need special protection - maybe some more than others, but still: TeamViewer needs to be secure to protect you and your devices and your data. Period.  

One of our security features that might be less interesting for an "I-am-helping-my-mom" use case is on the other hand incredibly relevant for connections within -let´s say- governmental usage: The TeamViewer fingerprint

📌 Whether you decide to use it or not, is up to you. Just know: The feature is available for all TeamViewer users - also for you!


Level up your security  

Let's assume you are working in high-priority situations, high-security areas, and with sensitive data involved as I described above. 

First of all - Congratulations on being a trusted professional!  

Secondly: Wow - you carry a lot of responsibility for having access to sensitive data that others should most likely not see.  

Well - Trust is excellent, and carrying responsibility too! Of course - you know how to reply to both and act responsibly with devices having a critical status: You know that you need proof.

And here comes the TeamViewer fingerprint into play, helping you. 

👉 Next time someone asks you to connect to their device in a high-risk environment, use the fingerprint to make sure you connect to the correct device.  


Using the fingerprint 

As the connecting person, let your connection partner send you the TeamViewer fingerprint beforehand to allow you to compare it with the fingerprint of the device you are connecting to. (I am sure you have a secure messaging tool in place for exchanging such information.) 

Once you make the TeamViewer connection - most likely on a secured screen like the Windows logon screen, you can now prove that you accessed the correct device.  

How? By checking the TeamViewer fingerprint on the Session Information window.  

For this, navigate to the TeamViewer Toolbar --> Actions and open the little information box via the small arrow in the lower right corner

The session information dialog will open and give you information about this specific connection, including the access control permission status for the different TeamViewer actions as well as connection information. And here, you'll see the local (your) and the remote fingerprint. 

⚠ Now - compare the remote fingerprint with the information you got from your connection partner beforehand. 

The outcome 

There are basically only two possible outcomes:

  1. The fingerprint is identical: You have the confirmation to be connected to the correct device, and you can start your work. 
  2. The fingerprint is not identical: You have not connected to the correct device. You should consider closing the current connection immediately. As you are working in a sensitive and high-security environment, it is recommended to reassess the task and to make sure to have the correct data for the connection. Check back with the connection partner to make sure all data are correct before making a new connection. 


Security audit readiness 

Details and proof matter a lot, especially in high-security environments where any error - human or technical - needs to be avoided as much as possible. And we are happy to help you with the TeamViewer fingerprint making your work more secure and being able to fulfill your security audit requirements. 

Security is not negotiable. 

Former Community Manager

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