When posting the Change Logs for TeamViewer 15.21., I was both pretty surprised and curious, because it mentioned, that there is an option to disable the Chat 👀
Just in case you want to check yourself, here is the Link to the Change Logs 🙌
The question I had is WHY - Isn´t chat a great feature?
Well - it looks like it depends. There are certain use cases and scenarios, where chat is not wanted. And to reply to this demand, we added the option to disable it for devices (for Windows).
First of all, to make it clear, you can only disable the chat for specific devices, not for a TeamViewer account.
That means if you disable the chat on one device you still have access to your chat on another device where it has not been disabled.
Why should you disable your chat?
👉 There are certain times when you want to work without being disturbed.
This is a perfect time to disable your chat to not get disturbed at all.
👉 There are devices where you do not want to have your chat available because it is a device that others might use, too?
Well - here it might be a great idea to disable the chat and save the settings with a password (just to make sure no one can enable the chat again without you knowing).
👉 You are an employer and you do not want your employees to use different chat tools or chat at all.
Fair enough - We are not angry and understand that you use TeamViewer for Remote Control and maybe not for Chat. It´s ok, really 😠😉
How to disable the Chat for devices?
To disable the Chat option, navigate to Extras --> Options --> Advance --> Under Advanced settings for Computers & Contacts --> tick the box Disable Chat and confirm with OK.
Now - you need to restart your TeamViewer application to activate the setting. That´s it.
Currently, disabling the chat via Policies is not available. I checked it myself in the Management Console. I can´t tell whether it be added at a later point, but I keep my eyes open.
Before and After
I made a before/after image for you. Which one do you like more?
As you can see - there has not been much change to your TeamViewer in general. Only the Chat Tab is missing. The rest is still the same 😅
And now?
Will you disable your chat?
I thought about it and can think of disabling it periodically when working in a high concentration mode. But otherwise - I keep my chat 🔛
What about you? Feel free to comment below 👇