Computer Nightmare Stories 😱🎃

Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠
edited April 2023 in Blog

So - it’s Halloween, and that means: It’s time to fight some demons, right!?

First of all: Demons exist. That’s for sure - the same as dragons and fairies and all the other creatures everyone is denying. When it’s Halloween, you can see them everywhere 🎃 

But they are there all the time - inside us, disguising themselves as fears and stress and cares, and yes - sometimes they come out to play with us. That’s never fun. But it is Halloween and this time of the year - they can’t shock us!

Today, I tell you about the demons that torture me, my computer-life demons.

Setting the Scene

My MacBook is brand new and has been quite expensive (well, if you ask me). As a result, I treat my new tool with the carefulness it deserves plus a little extra as I do not want to buy a new one anytime soon.

Now I have this nightmare - this terrible fear that lurks underneath my skin.

You can imagine it like this: Did you ever watch the movie “The Mummy” from 1999? There is this scene: One of the treasure hunters is alone in the grave - and he tries to steal some valuable bugs. Unfortunately for him, those are flesh-eating scarab beetles, and they are biting through his shoes and crawling up his body. He screams like crazy, and when he tries to get rid of his shirt, the careful watcher can see the bugs creep under his skin towards his head. Buargh - yeah, but this is how my fear feels. Like real demons.

So - the scene is set for my nightmare: 

Nightmare #1

Whenever I need to charge the laptop and plug in the cable, I think about what happens when I forget that the cable is plugged in and I walk by the table and my leg comes across the cable. In my mind, the story goes on: The cable is being dragged by my legs and this causes the whole laptop to slither across the table, and ultimately: the laptop falls... Within the blink of an eye the crashes on the ground (always hard floor - of course). Horror! Pure horror, right?

Oh dear - yes, this is my current computer-horror scenario

Nightmare #2

It is very similar to the “losing data”-fear I always have when typing something.

Well, nowadays, the tools are much smarter and have auto-save features built-in, but back then, when I was in University writing my diploma - oh my gosh - it happened so often that the work of hours has been lost. WHY??

Because I did not hit the “Save” button every few minutes - or seconds because I was in a writing flow and simply forgot it. A second later - something is happening, crash - all lost. Terror! Movie-like Terror! 

Thinking back to this, I shiver again, and I could cry. 

Happy Halloween y’all! 

So - what’s the worst that could happen to you in your computer life? Or actually happened...

Let´s collect our Computer Nightmare Stories together and scare each other 👀🙈

I am curious to read your stories in the comments below 🎃👇

Former Community Manager


  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,331 Moderator

    Let me share one with you all too:

    When I was a kid, I really needed to print a project for the next day, but the printer stopped working.

    It was nighttime, and I really needed that to happen.

    It was turning on, and It was doing very weird noises… So for me the printer was still “alive”, and could be fixed.

    I asked my oldest brother for help, and he said it was broke for good.

    I asked him why it was doing creepy noises, and he said “I don’t know, maybe it got possessed by evil spirits”

    “Evil spirits??? How can we get rid of them?” 👻

    My brother started lathing:

    “I have no idea, you can try to toss sea salt and garlic at it while praying.” 🧂🧄

    My childhood mind understood everything. I needed to exorcise the printer, but if I got the garlic my mother would be furious with the smell of it in the house… so I grabbed the sea salt.

    My brother was cracking at this point.

    I started throwing the sea salt at the printer while praying… once I ended, nothing happened. 🤣 Lol

    It was still not working.

    “At least you tried” my brother tried to comfort me… and as we turned our backs to the printer, it did a noise and started printing my project. My brother gave a jump and said some profanity. I just ran to grab my paper. It was perfectly printed.🙌

    Having to explain to my mother that I exorcised the printer and why my brother did not stop me was another cool story. lol

    I hope you all enjoy it 😁 Happy Halloween 🎃🦇



    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,754 Moderator
    edited October 2021

    Would you ever wonder FREE Lunch from anyone? 😍🤩

    Let me share the story from my previous workplace:

    While we were working in the office, the message of "I will buy you lunch" always floating amongst colleagues in the chat.

    Then everyone was so anticipating into the free lunch invite.🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ Why Not!! When someone was being nice and kind

    Orders flushing in with Thank you message in the chat like a rocket. 🍱🥡🍚🍛🍜🍣🍤🥘🍲🍝🥣🥧🍦🍰🎂🍪🍷🍺🥂

    The victim colleague has got total NO idea what was going on with the appreciation until returning to the desk and found out

    👉 PC on the work desk was left unattended and unlock! Other naughty colleagues just jumped over to send the mystery lunch invite!

    It is not a creepy story yet but don't let it come true with an expensive lunch with a broken wallet.🤑🤑

    Please always ensure your personal and work devices NEVER leave unattended and unlock 🔐💻🔏🖥🔒📱

    That is my simplest advice to offer, my friends.

    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • alpha_wp
    alpha_wp Posts: 1
    edited February 2022

    nice info

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