Grant Easy Access not working with Custom Module
I created a custom module and followed the instructions for Mass Deployment.
I created a batch file to run this:
msiexec.exe /i "Path\To\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=YOURIDCCODE ping -n 31>nul Path\To\TeamViewer.exe assign --api-token=YOURTOKEN --grant-easy-access --group MyGroup
Grant Easy Access is not applied.
Group is not applied.
Can someone help me solve this problem?
If you install with the MSI anyway, you can do it all in one line:
msiexec.exe /i "%~dp0TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=XXX APITOKEN=XXXX ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %COMPUTERNAME% --group-id %TVGROUPID% --grant-easy-access --reassign"
0 -
Thanks Flospi for the info. Yes, I used this and it worked.
@echo off
msiexec.exe /i "Path to\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=xxx DESKTOPSHORTCUTS=0 APITOKEN=xxx ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access --group @newPC" SETTINGSFILE="Path to\newhost.tvopt"
I first installed the host to set up the options then I downloaded the tvhost.tvopt file.
Then I created the batch file above and created a shortcut with admin rights to open command prompt.
This works great every time.