Uninstall New TeamViewer Host via command line

How do you uninstall the newer TeamViewer host via command line since it no longer has the uninstall.exe included in the installation folder?


  • Same question here....glad to see it's unanswered after over a month....

  • Todd_NZ
    Todd_NZ Posts: 1

    If in windows land, you can use WMIC to do it. Similar to the following

    wmic product where "name = 'Teamviewer'" call uninstall /nointeractive

  • yscifeip
    yscifeip Posts: 5

    You can just use:

    msiexec /x "{PRODUCT_CODE}" /qn


    $productCode = "{PRODUCT_CODE}"

    $arguments = "/x $productCode /qn"

    Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList $arguments -Wait -NoNewWindow

    Intune does it automatically but you can get Product Code from the TeamViewer_Host.msi (using Orca under Property).