TeamViewer ID is keep on changing while connecting to different Wifi network router on Raspberry Pi?

geoninan Posts: 2
edited April 2023 in IoT Forum

TeamViewer ID keeps changing while connecting to different Wifi networks on Raspberry Pi on Teamviewer Host. The network interface we are using is the Network manager. (nmcli) . This change in ID resulted in asking password every time when we tried to connect remotely (Easy access is getting disabled).How to make Teamviewer ID non-changeable? Please give a solution for this.


  • mircea_c
    mircea_c Posts: 146 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @geoninan

    Please check if the MAC address of the wireless card is changing when you are connecting to a new network.

    As I remember, nmcli has an option that is creating a new MAC address when you are connecting to a new wireless network.

    The MAC address is a part on how we generate the TeamViewer ID.



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