How to deploy with easy access already enabled?
Wondering how to deploy teamviewer to all endpoints with easy access already enabled. Looking to push an .msi install using Intune, then be able to see devices in the Teamviewer Mgmt Console and click a single button to connect to them with no user intervention or manual action.
Is this possible? If so, how?
Hi @Jreed272
Thank you for your post and welcome to our Community 😊
First of all, please read our mass deployment guide that you can find here: 📄 Mass deployment on Windows - Overview (Legacy). This gives you detailed step-by-step guidance on how to prepare for the rollout via .msi.
As a next step, I kindly invite you to look closely at Step 5: Assignment options - 5/6.
Furthermore, it could also be helpful to check our dedicated Guide for Intune: 📄 Intune Integration - Installation and User Guide | Deploying TeamViewer MSI Package. I linked the chapter where you can find all relevant information about the deployment via Intune and how to prepare.
As soon as you do the rollout with all relevant parameters, you have the possibility to connect from your device list to your devices easily with just one click.
Please let us know if you have any further questions about this topic. We are happy to assist.
Have a wonderful day.
Natascha 🙋♀️
German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community
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This only answer part of the question. I've already configured mass deployment and assignment options. I do not want to use Intune integration with Intune. The option "--grant-easy-access" is still only set after an administrator signs into the windows PC at least once when TeamViewer is deployed from Intune. I don't want an admin to login for "--grant-easy-access" be set or enabled. We only want the end user to login for the 1st time and "--grant-easy-access" is set or turned on as soon as the app is installed from Intune.
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I too am looking for an answer to this question.
I want to be able to deploy Teamviewer from MDT, and NOT have to interact with Teamviewer after it's deployed.
I want Teamviewer to automatically log into Easy Access to enable passwordless connections.
If I recall correctly, this was possible with older versions but isn't anymore.
Please advise as I'm thinking of moving away from Teamviewer as it isn't really suitable for mass deployment.
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We are facing the same issue: its seems impossible to perform real zero-touch mass deployments of TeamViewer Host via Intune (or other software distribution tools for that matter).
The application is getting shipped and installed on the client without issues. But the users get the "Kontozugehörigkeit" (Accountassignment?) screen-pop every time TeamViewer starts and even if they click the "Zulassen und fertigstellen" (Permit and complete?) button NOTHING is happening. It only works when an Administrator runs TeamViewer.exe and then click the "Zulassen und fertigstellen" button. Since most users don't have admin privileges we can't do unattended mass deployments.
This is NOT accaptable for this kind of application. As the others mentioned: zero-touch means zero-touch and not "it requires an admin to be present to work".
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After much headache, I'm successfully deploying to 100+ machines using GPO and using MDT for newly built computers.
Is this still an issue for you guys? If so i will share how i did it.
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Yes it is still an issue. Including TV's support AND documentation being totally USELESS, so please share.
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Yes, I completely agree the documentation is shocking and it's been made too overly complicated to achieve a basic deployment.
No worries, I'm not saying this is textbook by any means, but it works.
Firstly you will need to create a new host and ensure it is configured like the below. Take note of the configuration ID and click on Download MSI.
The next step is to create an Assignment configuration
- Assign the Managers as the people who will need access to the group (permissions can be customised in a different section)
- Device Group should be the group you wish the devices to be added to
- Policy inheritance, i have this set to inherit the policy from the group the object is going into
Once you have saved it, you will then need to copy the Assignment ID from the next screen
I'm going to presume at this point you know how to create a group policy.
Copy the MSI to a network share that will be accessible to all machines, I just use the SYSVOL folder as all clients will already have permission.
I then used the following .CMD file script and saved it to the Startup scripts directory of the GPO i created.
*Change the bold options to your network path, config ID and Assignment ID
timeout /t 30 /nobreak
"C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe" assignment --id ASSIGNEMENTID
and that's it, once it's applied the GPO it should install the TeamViewer host file from your network location, wait 30 seconds to ensure the installation is complete and then assign it to the group.
I did have a couple of older computers not correctly pick up the Assignment ID part, I'm still not sure why, but as a belt and braces approach I then created a 2nd GPO to catch any that it had missed on the next restart.
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer
TeamViewer.exe assignment --id YOURASSIGNMENTID
Hopefully, this helps, i will add the MDT instructions later, but its essentially just adding that .cmd file as a task in the deployment.