Duplicate PC's and Names dont match

SCRS1471 Posts: 2 ✭✭

Since the update my account is all over the place. I can have a device called PC 1 for example when I connect to it its called PC 23. This will be rendomly mixed up with other devices. it is ridiculous confusing and I would like to roll back to the old platform with immediate action please as right now the platform is simply not usable.


  • Oliviaaa
    Oliviaaa Posts: 10 Staff member 🤠

    Hello @SCRS1471

    Thank you for reaching out to us 😊

    If it's the device groups you are referring to you can easily delete the duplicate devices by going into one of the device groups, selecting the devices, deleting them. Please note that you cannot delete a whole group at once.

    Also, please make sure that it is indeed a duplicate and the original device exists in your personally created group, otherwise you'll lose the entire contact in your list.

    I hope this was helpful ! 🤗