I am trying to deploy TeamViewerHost for macOS via Intune. I use this bash script:
cd /tmp
#Download and Install custom host
echo "Downloading and Installing custom host"
cd /tmp
curl -L https://download.teamviewer.com/download/version_15x/CustomDesign/Install%20TeamViewerHost-idc123456.pkg -o TeamViewerHost-idc123456.pkg
installer -pkg TeamViewerHost-idc123456.pkg -target /
#echo "60 seconds wait"
sleep 60
echo "Running the account assignment"
computername=$(hostname -s)
sudo /Applications/TeamViewerHost.app/Contents/Helpers/TeamViewer_Assignment -api-token MYAPITOKEN -alias $computername -group-id 123456789 -grant-easy-access
#echo "60 seconds wait"
sleep 60
It works with no issues, it assigns to the correct group, but Easy Access is not set up as default. I have to open the preferences and turn it on manually for each device.
Is there any way for it to be turned on automatically during the deployment?