Looking for a report/list that shows what patches were applied within a date range


I have a client that wants to see what the monitoring/patch management services does for them. I'm looking for a way to send them a list of the patches installed withing the previous month. I can export a list of installed patches but there's no "installed date" that I can filter by.

Trying to avoid having to create on from the multiple emails showing patch success or failure.

Anyone done this already and could save me a bunch of time?



Best Answer

  • JessicaT
    JessicaT Posts: 2 Staff member 🤠
    edited August 2023 Answer ✓

    Hi Bob,

    Thanks for the question. We will be adding functionality that allows you to view the list of installed patches, as well as export this, later this year.

    If you have any other questions feel free to let us know.



    Product Owner, Remote Management


  • JessicaT
    JessicaT Posts: 2 Staff member 🤠
    edited August 2023 Answer ✓

    Hi Bob,

    Thanks for the question. We will be adding functionality that allows you to view the list of installed patches, as well as export this, later this year.

    If you have any other questions feel free to let us know.



    Product Owner, Remote Management