Does importing a .tvopt file still work with an install using the new management method?


I have taken over the management of TeamViewer for our company. All prior versions were 100% .tvopt based, and used the old method that involved renaming the msi with the config ID, etc. I attamepted to update us to version 15 this way with limited success that is causing headache. I am trying to get away from this and use Device Groups and assigned managers instead of an assigned user/shared groups, but this brings with it the lack of many things the tvopt method allowed for in the current system of policies and such. Is there any reason I can't use a tvopt file for things like the personal/options password?

Best Answer

  • Ryan_O
    Ryan_O Posts: 11 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Figured it out on my own. Yes, the tvopts method still works when using device groups and assigning policy.


  • Ryan_O
    Ryan_O Posts: 11 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Figured it out on my own. Yes, the tvopts method still works when using device groups and assigning policy.