Update now to the most recent TeamViewer Remote version 15.62. See the Changelogs here.

[Linux] v15.46.5

JenW Posts: 1,265 Senior Moderator
edited October 2023 in TeamViewer Remote

Operating system: Linux

Version: 15.46.5

Release date: 2023-09-26


  • Minor fixes and Improvements.

Modératrice Communauté Francophone 💌 French Community Moderator


  • antonjakob
    antonjakob Posts: 8
    edited October 2023

    Ctrl+C stopped working for me from any Linux client to any Windows host. Checking the input in Notepad++, I always get the Character "ETX" which is probably the same as SIGINT (Ctrl+C in Terminals).

    I don't know which update broke it. There's a chance it broke due to the update of the Windows client, because I remember I had 2 sessions and during my work in the one session Ctrl+C stopped working as on the other session it still worked. The next day it stopped working on the other machine es well.

    BUT: It works with Windows client to Windows host.

    I'm pretty sure it stopped working on September 27th or September 26th.

    EDIT: Copy feature works from Linux client to Linux Host.

  • T_P_
    T_P_ Posts: 3

    Same identical problem here, from linux client to windows host: Ctrl+c stopped working in all applications.

    An urgent correction is needed.


    PS: attached image of notepad++

  • ppreis
    ppreis Posts: 2

    Same problem happening here too, connecting from Linux to Windows. This applies not only to ctrl+c but also e.g. ctrl+h, probably all control characters are affected.

    Please fix this regression as soon as possible, it is a major problem.

    For ctrl+c one can use the workaround ctrl+insert on Windows, but the other control characters don't have such a workaround.

  • partouf
    partouf Posts: 1
    edited October 2023

    Same happening for me since a couple of weeks. From Ubuntu 20 to Windows 10. Ctrl+C does not work, normal Copy actions via mouse do work. Ctrl+X does work. Some other hotkeys I use for certain applications like Ctrl+Shift+C does not work either.

    I have made a workaround by using AutoHotkey to make Ctrl+X map to Ctrl+C, but this is not ideal.

  • Error does not occur with Windows host version 14.x

  • T_P_
    T_P_ Posts: 3

    Hi, thanks to TV support we temporarily solved by downgrading (and purge) to version 15.45.3 on both linux and windows.

  • ppreis
    ppreis Posts: 2

    I have raised TV ticket 44330464 for the ctrl+c issue. They have confirmed the regression, and said a fix is scheduled for version 15.48

  • The problem is solved since yesterday.