Making a powershell script that installs, sets up easy access, and then automatically begins to install MWB. I have it working right now except I'm not sure yet where I can automatically fetch the ID of the local installation. Where do I find this value? I don't care if it's via the API or registry or somewhere else as long as it's accurate and I can pass the variable to the API.
$token = "token"
$headers = @{
"Authorization" = "Bearer $token"
$postParams = @{
"teamviewer_id" = $variableGoesHere
} | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body $postParams -ContentType "application/json"
This is just the part of the script that handles the MWB installation, obviously. Not seeing anywhere obvious in the API documentation or registry that stores the local TV ID, but my knowledge of APIs is quite literally zero and it's 110% possibly I'm just not seeing it.