Unable to receive trusted device emails

MPEHEIT Posts: 1
edited February 2024 in Account


I've attempted to activate my account, [removed per Community Guidelines] several times now, but i have not recieved the email in order to verify my account/device. Given I need to work with this, please rectify this as soon as possible.



  • dncdragon
    dncdragon Posts: 1

    recently reinstalled windows on PC, and reinstalled Teamviewer Free edition, and when i sign in asks for email to confirm trusted device, waited over a month still have no received any emails from teamviewer to verify the device, have checked junk folders and all folders still fails to receive any email to confirm the PC.

  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,340 Moderator

    Hi @dncdragon ,

    Thanks for reaching out to our Community, and we're sorry o hear you're having difficulties receiving TeamViewer's trust device emails.

    Have you tried adding the domain @teamviewer.com to your email server allowed list?

    If not, please give it a try. If the issue persists, dm me your email account with the difficulty, so we can try to check your case internally.

    Let us know how it goes, and if you need any further help. 🙋‍♀️

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • PARiEss
    PARiEss Posts: 3

    Hi. I have a paid account. Not this one. I had to register with another account just to be able to post this question.

    I do not receive confirmation emails to add device as trusted

    Below is the message

    "To ensure the continued security of your account, you need to first confirm this browser is a trusted device. We have sent you a confirmation email containing a device authorization link. If you don't receive this verification email within a reasonable amount of time, please check your junk or spam folder. Read further information about trusted devices."

    I have tried to whitlisted the whole teamviewer domain in outlook, and the email is not in junk or spam folder. I have been searching for a solutions and read people with same issus but non of the steps seem to work with me.

    Can you please contact me so i can whitelist my email adress or take necessary steps towards a solution.

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,761 Moderator

    Hi @PARiEss,

    Can you please share the affected email address with me via Private Message? I will take a closer look into your case.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • PARiEss
    PARiEss Posts: 3

    Thank you Ying_Q you solved my issue lightning fast.

  • Cannot confirm trusted device because I never receive the email. I checked my spam and junk folders and it is not there.

  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,340 Moderator

    Hi @baldeaux ,

    Thanks for reaching out to our Community!

    • If you have a license, for fast support please contact our support team directly.
    • If you don't have a license, could you please send me a private message with the email account with the issue?

    We thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • baldeaux
    baldeaux Posts: 3
    edited September 2023

    My email address is [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • When I try to add a trusted device, using my free personal account, TeamViewer says it will send me an email to verify. It never comes, and I'm stuck in Limbo.

    Also, it thinks that the account is commercial and I only use it for friends and family. How do I get this resolved?

  • DG_SA
    DG_SA Posts: 35

    I use TeamViewer for support of my brothers and sisters in other locations. Not a business but it has been a great tool.

    With new upgrades and required login I have had very little success and for those that you are trying to help ... only get more frustrated with computers.

    I have looked all over the web for a fix and so far nothing. Please advise.

    new pc, win 11

    have tried my id and got email, my sisters at sbcglobal.net nothing. looked in all folders.

    Please advise.

  • DG_SA
    DG_SA Posts: 35

    ps... my email gets sent but not for my sisters pc which is a sbcglobal.net email.

  • did you ever get an answer?

  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,340 Moderator

    Hi @amick42 and @Sdarte ,

    Welcome to our Community and thanks for posting about this topic!

    In case you have a license, we recommend contacting our support team directly for faster support.

    If you don't have a license and use TeamViewer just for personal use, we would need you to send us via private message the email account with the issue.

    I'm looking forward to your reply and I thank you both for your patience and understanding.

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • LinovaDestek
    LinovaDestek Posts: 2
    edited January 2024


    I do not receive confirmation emails to add a device as trusted. I have tried several times, added white list, and checked the spam folder, but I still haven't received it.

    How can I solve this problem?

  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,340 Moderator

    Hi @LinovaDestek ,

    Welcome to our Community!

    Could you send me via private message the account that isn't receiving the trust device emails?

    I'm looking forward to your reply. 🙋‍♀️

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • JenW
    JenW Posts: 1,273 Senior Moderator
    edited February 2024

    Hi @MPEHEIT,

    Welcome to the TeamViewer Community!

    We're sorry to hear about your experience with TeamViewer.

    It can happen that the reception of trusted devices emails have some delays. We advise you to double-check the spam and junk folder.

    You also may consider adding the TeamViewer domain to your email server-allowed list like this: *@teamviewer.com

    Please give it another try, and let us know if you still not receiving the trust device email!



    Modératrice Communauté Francophone 💌 French Community Moderator

  • Hi

    I am encountering the same issue. I recently purchased a new personal laptop and want to add it to my trusted device list.

    Unfortunately, I am also not receiving the confirmation email. Nothing is hitting our spam or junk mail filters. Interestingly, I regularly receive marketing related emails from TeamViewer, so I know that there's nothing blocking emails from Teamviewer's domains to my email account.

    At this point I can't add my new laptop to my trusted device list, nor can i login to TeamViewer from this device because it isn't in my trusted device list.

    Am totally frustrated... hope someone can help with this.

    Thanks much!


  • J4s0n
    J4s0n Posts: 2

    Hello, I'm trying to create a new account and the email with the verification link never shows up. Is there a way around this issue? I have tried it multiple times over the last week.

  • amick42
    amick42 Posts: 3
    edited February 2024

    I'm sure glad to know that I am not the only one that is NOT getting the trusted device email. Not sure what changed but the program is fast becoming a **bleep**.

  • RikPUNT
    RikPUNT Posts: 1
    edited February 2024

    Cannot confirm trusted device because I never receive the email. I checked my spam and junk folders and it is not there.


  • My colleague is not able to create an account or confirm a trusted device - she does not receive the confirmation link. It's not in spam or junk folders.

  • After formating my PC I get the same issue.

    Email is whitelisted in firewall and so on.

    Never recived any emails what so ever

  • I have tried for a week now to get a authorization email.

    @teamviewer.com is whitelisted in firewall and so on

  • been trying for a week now to get a mail about device authorization. Nothing ..

    We whitelisted everything from @teamviewer.com


  • I had to create a new TeamViewer account to be able to ask for help. I unable to get Trust emails to my TeamViewer account and it seems related to the 2FA rules. Since none of my current machines have been authenticated I am unable eable 2FA. And I can't create a new account under my existing email address.

    Please advise, what can I do? I don't want to have to maintain a random email address just to use team viewer.

    This seems to be a known problem but there doesn't seem to be interest to solve by TeamViewer.

  • D1_Admin
    D1_Admin Posts: 2

    Unable to find an answer to this, though I see many, many people have this problem.

    I set up a new user in the Management portal. I've installed TV full client. I attempt to login as that user, and get the message that my Teamviewer account is not yet fully verified.

    The email with verification code does not arrive. It isn't in spam. It isn't being blocked by the server. Other people receive emails from Teamviewer, just not this one. What do I need to do?

  • D1_Admin
    D1_Admin Posts: 2

    This is on a corporate account by the way.

  • pzsiros
    pzsiros Posts: 2


    I created an account but never received validation email. If I click on re-send nothing happens. I cannot see any error messages anywhere that could help.

    It is not in the Junk folder. It is not blocked by other filters either.

    What's the next step here?

    Kind regards,


  • Finnery
    Finnery Posts: 4
    edited April 2024

    So I moved from one computer to another. The new computer needed to add the browser/device as a trusted device. It stated that an email will be sent to do so. I've waited over 1 hour and no email (inbox/spam). I'm able to login to that account with that email but it gets stuck on validating this new device. No email comes ever comes. The last successful email from TeamViewer to that email account was 5/2023.

    I created a new email (this account) and all the reset and new device added all works in relative in real time. I'd prefer to get my original email attached account working.

    password reset doesn't work - no email

    add new device email doesn't work - no email

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Finnery
    Finnery Posts: 4

    Who do I message to get assistance? Since the sales team stated to submit a request here.