Update now to the most recent TeamViewer Remote version 15.62. See the Changelogs here.

[Linux] v15.51.5

JenW Posts: 1,266 Senior Moderator

Operating system: Linux

Version: 15.51.5

Release date: 2024-02-27

New features

  • It is now possible to close the in-session audio panel (or to open another functionality in the side panel) without interrupting the conversation.


  • Access to the personal password setting now requires administrative rights.
  • The "Random password after each session" setting has received a new default state - "Generate New".


  • Fixed a bug which would cause the details panel to close if the user already had a device details panel open and clicked on another device name.
  • Fixed a bug in device lists that prevented the contextual menu from being displayed when a user clicked on the 3 dots menu.

Modératrice Communauté Francophone 💌 French Community Moderator


  • Thank you for the detailed changelogs 😊 We hate that "Various bugfixes and improvements" stuff