Update now to the most recent TeamViewer Remote version 15.61. See the Changelogs here.

[macOS] v15.51.5

JenW Posts: 1,221 Senior Moderator

Operating system: macOS

Version: 15.51.5

Release date: 2024-02-27

New features

  • It is now possible to quickly check and filter devices based on when they were last online.
  • It is now possible to quickly check and filter devices based on whether they have a policy assigned or not.
  • It is now possible to create custom mobile QuickSupport modules (iOS and Android) where various features can be enabled or disabled.


  • The performance of device list has been improved. Devices are now fetched faster.
  • Access to the personal password setting now requires administrative rights.
  • The "Add a new user" name field now supports a minimum of 2 characters.
  • The "Random password after each session" setting has received a new default state - "Generate New".
  • It is now possible to resize the device and Device Group side panel.
  • The TeamViewer QuickSupport ID and password will no longer be hidden after a connection has been established.
  • The visual display for a user has been improved. Any selected entry in the contacts list will now be highlighted.
  • The user experience for device group creation has been improved. The user will now navigate to the newly created group automatically.
  • During the device group creation process, the default group manager will now get "Policy Administration" permissions automatically.
  • Clipboard functionality has been improved. It is now possible to paste user credentials into restricted user/password fields, on the remote side, via a new connection toolbar entry.
  • The Custom Modules "customize installation link" dialog has been improved.
  • The user will now see the available connection options in the device side-drawer.


  • Fixed a bug which prevented the default personal permissions from being shown during Device Group creation.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause modifier keys (like the Shift or Option key) to become "stuck" during a remote control session.
  • Fixed a bug which would cause the details panel to close if the user already had a device details panel open and clicked on another device name.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the missing permissions dialog not to reflect the devices information correctly.
  • Fixed a bug which meant that user groups were not fetched, during device group creation, if the user had not navigated to the user groups before.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause TeamViewer to quit unexpectedly when playing video on a remote Windows device.
  • Fixed a bug in device lists that prevented the contextual menu from being displayed when a user clicked on the 3 dots menu.

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