Update now to the most recent TeamViewer Remote version 15.61. See the Changelogs here.

[Linux] v15.55.3

JenW Posts: 1,221 Senior Moderator
edited August 27 in TeamViewer Remote

Operating system: Linux

Version: 15.55.3

Release date: 2024-06-26


  • The Upload Remote Session Recordings to Custom Storage policy setting has a new input field. You can now include a Download Prefix URI. This will help set up a download URL / path to retrieve session recordings from the TeamViewer integration for Salesforce / ServiceNow.


  • Fixed a bug that caused a generic icon to be displayed instead of the TeamViewer client icon in recent versions of GNOME.
  • Fixed a bug during the startup of TeamViewer daemon that rendered the TeamViewer unusable/unreachable.

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