New Teamviewer HOST is seems editable by standard user? after enabling easy access

FrostySenior Posts: 2
edited September 2024 in Deployment & Integrations

Hi I hope you can help, for a long time we have been using a Teamviewer custom branded Host package installer pkg which gets set up after initial enrolment. It goes into a single Teamviewer group and then we change the grouping depending on location in Teamviewer its worked well for us over the years.. We have had a company rebrand and so we updated the first install pkg. Now when the new pkg runs and installs the easy access is activated as intended but the check/tick box is still editable by a standard user whereas before it was locked (greyed out) and only editable by admin. Has anyone been able to work out how to disable the option to untick by a standard user please..
This is the current script


sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.teamviewer.teamviewer_service.plistsleep8APITOKEN= Goes here
while true; do
process=$(ps aux | grep TeamViewerHost | grep -v grep | wc -l)       
echo "Process: $process
"if [ $process -gt 2 ]; thenecho "Assigning..."sleep 17                /Applications/ -api-token $APITOKEN -alias "$(hostname -s)" -grant-easy-access -reassign
     exit $?
echo "Waiting for TeamViewer to start..."sleep 17
exit 0

Thanks for any help..


  • Just an update should anyone find this in the future.. 

    Seems you can apply a policy change with the Teamviewer Admin Settings - 'Changes require administrative rights on this computer'