trying to add PC to a business account, how?

So_Frustrated Posts: 2
edited December 17 in Account


  • JenW
    JenW Posts: 1,220 Senior Moderator

    Hi @So_Frustrated,

    Thank you for asking your question in our Support Forum. We're happy to help you!

    Please find the different steps to add a PC to a TeamViewer account:

    Let us know if you can successfully add the PC or if you encounter any other difficulties.



    Modératrice Communauté Francophone / French Community Moderator

  • Appreciate your help, but I think you have misunderstood my question. We have a paid business account which I have had for several years, I am trying to change the PCs assigned to it, somehow I have added one but I can't add or remove any others. ONe PC says free non-commercial account on its screen and I can find no option anywhere to amend these. It doesn't help that every help page is written in jargon.