Remove prompt for assignment

urbasolar Posts: 2
edited February 26 in Deployment & Integrations

Dear all,

I try to deploy Teamviewer host (an exe that we build) with intune script.

After the installation we have to assign our company ID like :

Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe" -ArgumentList "assignment --id 0001hghjhvghjkhjkhdkfh"

But a first windows open and users have to select "Allow and finish" (Autoriser et terminer in french) :

Is there an option to Allow and finish without user action ?

Many thanks.


  • LucaEnzo
    LucaEnzo Posts: 19
    edited March 3

    Use /qn for a silent install and assignment --id YOUR_Assignment_ID to handle auto assignment. Also check the custom module settings as there might be an option to turn off that confirmation prompt.

  • urbasolar
    urbasolar Posts: 2

    Unfortunatly there is no option in the custom module settings….. :-(